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American GI Forum Annual Clothing Drive

What: AGIF Homeless Veteran's Annual Clothing Drive

Who: Benefiting the San Antonio American G.I. Forum

When: December 1-24 (although, we'll gladly take donations as long as you keep making them!). We are coordinating with the shelter for a date to deliver!


This year will mark our 9th Annual clothing drive benefiting the American GI Forum in San Antonio and we would like to welcome our military support partner, Southern Careers Institute of San Antonio!


This year, the shelter has asked for some very specific AND simple needs to be met - items we all take for granted: toilet paper, coats, and blankets.


There are approximately 140 residents, about 8 of which are women.  We are working on obtaining sizes, but M-2XL are always a safe size to donate.


Ways to help: 

  • Purchase from our Amazon wish list. Gift cards will be used to purchase new bed pillows and other immediate need items for the shelter. All items will be shipped to WCMP staff and taken to the shelter by December 27th. We will also arrange another visit should donations continue to come in).

  • Round up clean blankets, winter coats/scarves, toilet paper, and body wash and drop off at one of our locations. 

  • Donate funds for the WCMP Clothing Drive. All funds will be used to buy immediate need items for the shelter (select American GI Forum Christmas Clothing Drive in the dropdown menu).

  • Volunteer to help on the day we visit the shelter and/or collect items needed.












Warrior Cry is a group of volunteers who work with wounded military service members at bases around the country. We provide the soldiers with musical instruments and then teach them to play. 


Warrior Cry Music Project

Boerne, Texas 78006

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© 2024 Warrior Cry Music Project | Warrior Cry Music Project is a registered 501(c)(3) with the Internal Revenue Service

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